Tehran, IRNA - Mother language is not considered merely a tool by which human-beings communicate with each others, but it is a means to convey identity and traditional know-how of a society from generation to generation.

February 21 has been dedicated to mother language and is called International Mother Language Day with the aim of commemorating a language that mankind got acquainted with from time they are fetus and go through with it in lifetime, when they learn how to speak and then how to think.

The internationally-recognized day is an opportunity to protect precious human heritage, which has been transferred to today's people from long time ago.

Mother language is a symbol that indicates the fact that political regulations are not able to restrict cultural arenas and that lands cannot be limited to definite words; so, diminishing of a mother language can end up in demolition of a culture.

Therefore, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has designated the next decade (2022-2032) as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in a bid to draw attention to the critical status of many Indigenous languages across the world and encourage action for their preservation, revitalization and promotion.

The initiative supports community-led language programs delivered by a network of indigenous language throughout the globe.

The International Mother Language Day promotes awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as multilingualism.

It is worth mentioning that parents' hesitance in delivering their mother languages to their children would be a practical threat to such languages. 

Expectedly, learning, educating, and conveying indigenous languages to next generations can help people experience better quality of life, more easily react to emerging challenges and attain more opportunities to collaborate in social networks.

Iran as a vast country possesses numerous languages and dialects, which have great importance and impact in terms of social values.

There are different mother languages such as Khorasani, Gilaki, Kordi, Baluchi, Khuzi and so on in Iran, illustrating cultural, historical and social diversity of the ancient country.

Article 15 of Iran's Constitution emphasizes the importance of common language and script, while allowing local and tribal languages alongside Persian language in media and at schools.


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