Publish Date: 20 September 2021 - 15:29

Kabul, IRNA - The Islamic Republic of Iran has constantly been a supporter of people in Afghanistan, pursuing sympathetic and unforgettable cooperation with the nation.

Analysts believe that Iran's policy towards Afghanistan has been always a people-oriented one, and that high-ranking Iranian authorities such as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated that Tehran will stand with the Afghan people in every situation.

The Iranian government has once and again repeated that it wants to see the formation of an inclusive government in the neighboring country, consisting of all ethnicities and minorities. The Iranians also back peace, security and tranquility in Afghanistan.

It is obvious that several governments came to power in the war-stricken country over the past four decades and all of them were doomed to fail, but the Afghan people have always been supported by Iran in the period.

Political, cultural and social elites in Afghanistan think that the Iranian government has stood with the oppressed nation in their worst conditions.

Abdulrahim Rezvani, an Afghan cultural activist, told IRNA that the Islamic Republic of Iran stood with the Afghan people even during the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, adding that Iran welcomed millions of Afghan refugees and provided them with the opportunity of studying at Iranian universities.

Iran supported Afghans, when civil wars took place in Afghanistan, he said, noting that over the past 20 years and during the US invasion of the war-torn country, the Iranian educational and cultural sections have had unforgettable cooperation with Afghans and Afghanistan.

 Mohammad Ali Ja'fari, an Afghan university professor, said that Iran's policy towards Afghanistan is pragmatic and people-oriented, because Tehran has constantly supported Afghan people.

The Iranian government and people have played the role of a responsible neighboring country, Ja'fari said, noting that the Afghan people will not forget the support and steadfastness.

Ismail Rahimi, an Afghan social activist, wrote on his FaceBook page that occupiers abandoned Afghanistan with thousands of problems, and that the Afghan people hope the neighboring states will assist them to create a brilliant future. 

Iran's Supreme Leader has recently underlined that the Islamic Republic will continue to be a supporter for the Afghan people, because government emerge and disappear.

Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with President Ebrahim Raisi and his cabinet members, “We support the nation of Afghanistan. Governments come and go. What remains is the Afghan nation. The nature of our relations with governments depends on the nature of their relations with us. May God bring the best situation for the nation of Afghanistan.”

“Afghanistan is our brother country, with the same language, religion and culture. The source of Afghanistan’s crisis is the US. During 20 years of occupation, they committed all sorts of atrocities— bombing weddings and mourning ceremonies, imprisonment and 10 times more drug production," the Leader stated.


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