Tehran, June 14, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Monday that Iranians living abroad would be able to vote in almost all countries across the world except for Canada where the government has denied them the chance.

Pointing to the legal responsibility of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide Iranians living abroad the chance to vote in elections, Khatibzadeh said that informal statistics show 3.5 million Iranians living in other countries are eligible to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

He said that the foreign ministry has delivered over 600,000 tariffs to 234 voting polls stationed in almost all countries, except three countries, Canada being the most important as it hosts a large number of Iranians living there.

Canada denies Iranians right to vote

Underlining that Canada didn’t cooperate properly in the previous elections, the spokesman added that the country denied Iran the possibility to station voting polls, meaning Iranians wouldn’t be able to cast their vote in Canada.

However, Iran’s mission in the United Nations, as said by Khatibzadeh, has been trying to station several voting polls in areas in the US near the Canada border so that Iranian in Canada can cast their votes.

Turkey’s military presence in Iraq

He also touched on the recent development in northern Iraq and the military presence by Turkey, saying that Iran’s stance has always been respecting sovereignty of all countries, but Turkey’s security concerns should be satisfied.

G7 statement

On the remarks about Iran’s missile program in the G7 statement, Khatibzadeh said that such interpretations from the UNSCR 2231 is unlikely and rare, as there is no provision in the resolution restricting Iran’s missile program.

Political developments in the Israeli regime

The spokesman opined that the failure of Benjamin Netanyahu in forming the Israeli regime government and someone else being the regime’s Prime Minister wouldn’t lead to a change in the regime’s policies.

Asked about recent claims by the Israeli intelligence chief Yossi Cohen, Khatibzadeh described the Israeli regime as the source of terrorism and the 70-year conflicts in the West Asia region, underlining Iran has been well aware of the Israeli regime’s sabotage acts in the country and has properly responded, although unannounced.

Vienna talks to revive JCPOA

On the ongoing talks in Vienna on the possible return of the United States to the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA), the diplomat underscored that the US was the violator of both the deal and the UNSCR 2231 and it must guarantee if it rejoined the deal, Trump-era events wouldn’t happen again.

Asked whether negotiating countries in Vienna were waiting to the outcome of the June 18 Presidential Election in Iran to make final decision, Khatibzadeh stressed that the talks had nothing to do with domestic developments and the upcoming election in Iran.


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