Takht Ravanchi called for putting hostility aside immediately.
The ambassador made the remarks at the 54th UN session of the Commission on Population and Development on Wednesday.
Not having access to nutrient foods will have damaging impacts on life and health of women and children, the ambassador added.
If the international community does not take immediate action to end hostility, more hundreds of millions will face poverty and famine, Takht Ravanchi added.
The full text of the ambassador's speech as follows:
It is a great privilege for me to address the 54th Session of the Commission on Population and Development. I would like to take this opportunity and extend my sincerest congratulations to you and the other members of the Bureau on your election.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and devastating impact on food security, nutrition and the healthcare systems of our societies. The lack of access to much needed nutritious food will have severe lifelong health and developmental consequences for women, children as well as the most vulnerable and low-income families. Without urgent action by the international community, hundreds of millions more people will face staggering levels of poverty and hunger. However, this challenging time has also taught us the significance of our combined efforts and the importance of placing people, especially people in vulnerable situations, at the very center of our responses.
Under the current difficult circumstances arising from COVID-19, Unilateral Coercive Measures seriously jeopardize the food security and nutrition of the ordinary civil population living in the targeted countries as well as hamper easy access to basic medical items and requirements thus endangering the lives and health of their citizens. Medicines, medical supplies and health commodities have been targeted through tight restrictions of foreign exchange resources, violating the right to health and the right to life of affected countries’ populations.
As the representative of a Country whose people are subjected to the most brutal and illegitimate unilateral coercive measures, I would like to seize this opportunity to call for the complete and immediate lifting of all these measures in order to ensure the full achievement of economic and social development as well as enable targeted countries to effectively protect their populations in the face of COVID-19 and repair their economies while guaranteeing the well-being of their people in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Despite all of the restrictions and pressures caused by the illegal sanctions, the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken concrete steps to reform existing policies, improve the overall sustainability of food systems and ensure food security as well as nutrition for vulnerable populations all around the country. At the same time, the health sector in Iran has undergone significant reforms concerning system policies and services to, among others, achieve the target of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and improve citizens’ satisfaction with the health service provision and enhance equity. In this connection, women in particular have been provided with access to all necessary health services, including reproductive health care services along with economic incentives to support female-headed households.
As a Country hosting more than three million refugees, Iran has remained dedicated to its humanitarian commitments and, among other services, have continued to provide the children of undocumented refugees in Iran with the opportunity to receive education in Iranian schools.
As Iranian society faces the prospect of a significant portion of its population ageing in coming decades- in light of previous decades’ strong demographic transitions- the Iranian Government has established a National Council for Older Persons in order to provide special attention to the elderly population with the aim to implement related policies and programs. Further, the need for a reliable fertility rate above replacement level has been emphasized by the Government.
I thank you
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