Tehran, July 6, IRNA - Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said that any move that would identify Iran as a threat to the international community will only benefit the US.

"We should not allow the United States to re-introduce Iran as a security threat," Araghchi said addressing a meeting of the senior foreign ministry officials in the presence of Iran's First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri in Tehran on Monday. 

"We are now engaged in a political, economic, and legal field with the United States within the framework of its maximum pressure policy. This policy was started three and a half years ago by US President Donald Trump and a year after the implementation of JCPOA," the Iranian deputy foreign minister added.

Araghchi reminded that the goal of the policy of maximum pressure was to force Iran to sign a new agreement that, in the opinion of the Americans, would not have the flaws of the JCPOA.

"In reaction to the US maximum pressure policy, Iran's policy was the maximum resistance and now turned it into active resistance," he added.

Araghchi reiterated that at the moment, the United States is pushing Iran to the Security Council, which is a dangerous game, and said, "If we fall into this game, it will have strategic losses for Iran."

The United States is pursuing this goal in several ways, he said, adding that one of them is the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors. "Israelis have claimed that they have documents against Iran that the IAEA has made some requests based on those forged documents."

The deputy foreign minister added that the IAEA has created "a very complex game against us and has issued resolutions against Iran under US pressure, and there is a possibility that Iran's case will be referred to the Security Council at the next meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors".

Araghchi said that the United States' other plan against Iran is to activate the trigger mechanism and extend the arms embargo, and underscored that under the UN Security Council, the arms embargo would be lifted on October 17. The United States has been mobilizing for months to revive the sanctions and revive them under a 1929 resolution authorizing all countries to inspect Iran.

According to Araghchi, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defined two goals for itself within the framework of maximum resistance; One is to help the country's economic needs and the second is to prevent (international) consensus against Iran.

The Deputy Foreign Minister stated that one of the achievements of JCPOA was the elimination of the security consensus that the United States and Israelis, had worked hard on it over the years. "Our goal over the past few months has been to prevent the reconciliation of this consensus. Two or three times, they tried to take Iran's case to the Security Council. Two or three times outside the Security Council, in meetings such as the Warsaw Summit, they made such an effort that we also confronted them," he added.


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