The spokesman of the Government of Iran wrote in a short article that the death of Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi is the end of the icon of destructive terrorism aiming to induce the thought of death and ruining the image of Islam before the international public opinion.

But, as the death of Osama bin Laden didn’t eradicate terrorism, the death of al-Baghdadi will not put an end to Daeshism (ISISism), Ali Rabiei wrote.

The death of neither bin Laden nor al-Baghdadi is the end of fighting Daesh terrorism; it is just the end to one chapter of that.

Terrorism is still growing and has a manifestation. Its growth is through the US policies, as well as Petrodollars of the region, and its manifestation is through the Takfiri ideology.

The quagmire of terrorism cannot be dried unless these three sources are dried out.

The US is trying to monopolize civilization and reflects its oppressive deployment of forces all over the world as fighting terrorism. This is while the terrorism in Western Asian and Northern Africa is the fruit of intelligence-military policies, oil thirst, and support for Arrogance.

Rabiei added that killing al-Baghdadi will not downplay the illegal intervention of the US that has been done through "al-Baghdadis and bin Ladens" in the past decades.

The US' operation scheduled at the time when the Syrian Army was on the verge of mopping the Idlib Province cannot downplay the bravery of the Syrian people, alongside their Iranian and Russian allies, trying to take back the areas that had been occupied by Daesh with direct and indirect support from the US.   

In the meantime, Iran has always been among the firsts to fight terrorism through the plan of the world free of violence and countering extremism and giving military advice.

Iran is also among the supporters of fighting Daeshism through diplomatic and ideological approach.

No one should forget that the people of the region know that killing one dangerous terrorist will not wash the hands of his supporters of the blood of tens of thousands of people of the region. Nor will it soothe the pains of hundreds of thousands of people that have been deprived of honorable living.

Total annihilation of terrorism will be materialized through complete restoration of Syrian territory, re-establishment of Syria's national sovereignty all over the country, the annihilation of all the Daesh centers, and unconditional retreat of all the US and other foreign forces.

While the US is praising itself with a highly-exaggerated show, it is high time that the international community set its goal to push the US forces out of Syria, to put an end to the Syrian sedition against the country, and paved the way for Damascus to return to the international community, and to make up for the financial and psychological damages to the country.

Alongside its partners and countries with the most sense of responsibility, Iran will continue to try to reduce the pains of the Syrians through diplomatic methods and its commitments in the Astana Talks in order to make sure that terrorism, violence, and extremism and foreign intervention have no place in Syria and that Syrian governments be able to decide for their own fate.

On Saturday, the US officials announced that they had killed the commander of Daesh, Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi, in Idlib.


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