Tehran, April 20, IRNA – Google, under the US pressure, has denied access of Iran's PressTV and HispanTV to their official accounts, like in Gmail and YouTube, without any prior notice.

Google has not given any explanations about its decision yet.

Marshal McLuhan wrote a book titled 'The Gutenberg Galaxy' in 1962 in which he proposed some innovative theories about media that evolved around the fact that 'freedom of expression' would be an inevitable phenomenon in human communities.

Not only was the theory before long accepted by intellectuals and public opinion, but it was also proven by the process and variety of expansion of mass media.

Now, given the previous decades' experiences and generalization of mass media, especially after the Internet and the public opinion cyber space were developed, the public opinion has not only realized the importance of 'freedom of expression' more than before, but it also has taken it up as a principle of social life.

This is while the global powers, through dominating world media, have made this social principle face contradiction and paradox.

The media giants keep talking about 'freedom of expression' while they use the equipment they have to limit other media; they try to monopolize 'freedom of expression' and exploit it toward their own goals.

The general public still remembers that terror groups, like Daesh (ISIS), filmed their savage actions and published them using some networks, such as Google, YouTube, and Facebook, to terrorize people.

It is highly contradictory that these media giants published their inhumane films and information, instead of blocking their accounts and fighting the ominous phenomenon.


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