Tehran, Aug 4, IRNA – Iran will not talk with the US under pressure, Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

Iran will not sit down with the US under pressure, in particular with a person who has breached its obligations, Bahram Qasemi said in an exclusive interview with the Pupils Association News Agency (PANA).

He noted the US should remove the sanctions and stop the pressures on other countries before any new comment on negotiations.

Qasemi said that the Iranian people will resist the pressures and will conquer finally.

He rejected the possibility of war between the US and Iran, and said that in the current world situation, no country is able to carry out such actions.

The spokesman advised US President Donald Trump to change its warmongering advisors who have a long history of hostility against Iran.

Referring to Iran talks with the EU, he said that Tehran expects the European countries to bring forward a practical package of proposals.

Qasemi noted that Iran wants guarantees from Europe in banking and oil fields and also continuation of cooperation between Iranian and European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Elsewhere in his remarks, the spokesman referred to certain Arab countries' offers for mediation between Tehran and Riyadh, and said that Iran has always been ready for talks with Saudi Arabia.

Commenting on the possibility of opening of Iran's interests section in the Swiss embassy in Saudi Arabia, he said that there are positive signs in this regard.

Meanwhile, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman lauded the victories of the Syrian government over terrorism, and said that whenever the situation in Syria will become stable and the danger of terrorism will be reduced, Iran can decrease its advisory support for the Syrian army or end it.


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