Damascus, May 23, IRNA – Iranian Ambassador to Jordan Mojtaba Ferdowsi-pour said on Wednesday that Iran has no role in military operations in southern Syria and has no presence in the area.

He made the remarks in an interview with Jordanian Newspaper 'Al-Ghad'.

The ambassador denied the presence of Iran's military advisors in southern Syria or near Jordan border and underlined that Iran did not participate in Ghouta war and purging Damascus region of the armed groups and these two operations were made only by the Syrian army with the support of Russia.

Russians and Syrians in connection with each other are trying to establish peace in southern region and in Dara'a, so that guarantee returns of Syrian national sovereignty on the whole country and prepared ground for secure departure of armed groups to Idlib or other area.

Ferdowsi-pour predicted that in case of failure of Russians and Syrian contacts with armed opposition groups in south of Syria to establish peace and reconciliation or safe exit of armed elements from the area, Syrian military with support of Russia will act to cleanse south.

He underlined that Iran has no role or participation in such operation, as it had no role in East Ghouta operation.

The ambassador pointed to common political stances of Iran and Jordan, as two Islamic and brotherly countries, on many regional and international issues.

'Tehran and Amman participated in Astana Talks process and other meetings concerning Syria and that the two states have consensus to a large extent on the Syrian crisis,' he added.

The Iranian envoy denied accusations against Iran concerning interference in domestic affairs of other countries.

He recalled that since the first day Iran has supported an agreement reached between Jordan, the US and Russia to reduce tensions in southern Syria as well as establishment of stability in other regions.

Ferdowsi-pour underlined that Tehran is ready to talk concerning aforementioned accusations, which were rather for being used by the media, or holding talks with Jordan government to clarify proposed issues.

The ambassador said that Iran is in Syria upon a request by the Syrian government to support its army in the fight against terrorism and returning stability to this country, adding, 'After ending its mission in Syria, Iran will not remain in Syria and whenever Syrian government ask us, Iran will leave the country.'

Ferdowsi-pour added Iran supports cooperation between Jordan and Syria in order to guarantee common borders security and preparing returns of Syrian refugees to their country.


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