Moscow, Oct 17, IRNA - United States is not fully implementing Iran's nuclear program, while Tehran adheres to the deal, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Tuesday.

“As of today, Iran adheres to its responsibilities within the framework of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) very responsibly and fully, and I hope this will also take place in the future. We are also acting accordingly. This cannot be said about our US colleagues, who have violated not only the spirit but also the letter of the JCPOA, as it appears to us, with a number of their actions,” Ryabkov told reporters.

There is no direct link between Iran’s nuclear and missile programs, Ryabkov said, citing UNSC resolution 2231, which approved the JCPOA.

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, Ryabkov added that he did not believe Iran’s regional policy had anything to do with the nuclear deal either.

'I am convinced that attempts to put JCPOA in question… will not bring any result,' Ryabkov said.

The official said that for most international community members, the current document was close to optimal, adding that Russia did not accept the tone of US President Donald Trump's statements on Iran.

The Russian minister's statements come after US President Donald Trump said last week his administration had decided not to certify Iran's compliance with the deal.

US president on Friday took a new strategy towards Iran and decertified Tehran's commitment with the 2015 landmark nuclear deal.

Trump's approach has been criticized by many countries, international bodies, political communities and world media.

'Iran nuclear deal is not a bilateral accord and it belongs to no country and no country is able to terminate it,' High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said minutes after Trump's speech on Friday.

Meanwhile, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a televised message shortly after Trump's speech said his remarks were 'nothing but a handful of baseless and empty allegations against the Iranian nation'.

Translator: Hamdollah Emadi Heydari

Editor: Hamid Shamlou


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