Damascus, Sep 18, IRNA – Resistance and the nations of the region are on the verge of final victory over terrorism, Iran's envoy to Syria said.

Iran's ambassador to Syria Javad Torkabadi in an interview with the Syrian al-Ikhbariya TV Channel on Sunday night added that the goal of Iran and the Axis of Resistance forces is just victory.

'We just think of victory, as goodness has always prevailed throughout history, even with minor followers,' he added.

'Iran and Russia's forces deployment in Syria is in full coordination with Damascus, and we insisted on Syria's national sovereignty and integrity in the sixth Astana talks,' the ambassador said.

Insisting that the Palestinian territories will return to their original inhabitants, Torkabadi said that the Zionist regime of Israel should always be fearful, as it is the evil.

'We proved to the world that we are resilient, strong and right, and the Zionist regime, and those who support it, will remain weak and isolated,' he said.

Speaking on Syria's post-war era, the Iranian diplomat said that his country has numerous capabilities and capacities and can cooperate with Syrian nation in reconstruction era.

Syria has been struggling with a war since 2011 in which different terrorist groups, including Daesh (ISIS) and al-Nusra Front, have been involved. Vast areas of the country have been retaken from the terrorists in recent months.


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