Tehran, April 24, IRNA -- President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that countries supporting terrorist groups such as Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Daesh financially and logistically for a long time cannot claim to be combatting them.

Rouhani made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting Speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq in Tehran on Monday.

Maintaining security of the region and Muslim world is of prime importance, he said, adding that we believe that all countries should spare no efforts to restore sustainable security.

'The region is now suffering from terrorism and all should share hands to fight against them,' Rouhani said.

'The Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan as two brotherly and neighborly states enjoy ample of commonalities,' Rouhani said and, called for all-out efforts to make progress, and boosting and consolidating mutual cooperation to hit the record of $5 billion of trade exchanges between the two countries.

'There exists ample of untapped economic resources in both countries,' President Rouhani said, and called for taking advantage of such potentialities in the due course.

He reiterated that over past 70 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always stood by Pakistani nation, and said there is no doubt that the rise in the number of exchange of visits between the two sides' officials can help bolster bilateral ties between the two countries.

President Rouhani said that Iran is ready to remove Pakistan's demands in the energy sector and gas pipe lines transferring Iran’s gas to Pakistan (Peace Pipeline) has reached near Pakistan border and we hope Pakistan to make proper action in order to finalize the project.

'Chabahar port of Iran and Gwadar port in Pakistan can ease exchange of goods between the two countries,' he added.

Speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly, for his part, expressed satisfaction over his visit, and said that exchange of visits between the two sides' officials will help bolster mutual all-out relations and cooperation, and underlined that the two sides' officials and ambassadors should spare no efforts to further broaden relations between Tehran and Islamabad.

Expansion of cooperation between Chabahar port of Iran and Gwadar port in Pakistan can help improve economic cooperation between the two countries.

Referring to creation of a new corridor connecting China and Pakistan, he called for Iran’s cooperation in construction of the path.

'Iran and Pakistan should help reach $5 billion in exchange for goods,' he said.

He said that Pakistan requires Iran’s energy; mainly its gas, and expressed willingness to help finalize Peace Pipeline transferring Iran’s gas to Pakistan.

Restoration of peace and stability will be to the benefit of all countries in the region, he said.
