Islamabad, Feb 3, IRNA - Pakistani parliamentarians stress the need for enhancing Iran-Pakistan ties in all fields especially in trade and energy sector in the new era of post-sanctions.

They also said that Pakistan can play a mediatory role in defusing tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia without taking sides. The parliamentarians described the mediatory initiative of Pakistan as a big test for Islamabad government.

They made the remarks while responding to questions raised by IRNA correspondent during a recent seminar at Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad on role of parliament in foreign policy.

Member of National Assembly Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Pakistan should go ahead with the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project because the country is suffering from acute energy crisis. He added that the agreement has already been signed and the prices are agreed upon so after lifting of sanction it can become a reality.

“It is upto the government to understand the gravity of the energy crisis in the country and go ahead with the project,” he said.

Senator Farhatullah Babar in his remarks hoped that the present government of Pakistan will complete the IP project.

“As far as the mediation between Iran and Saudi Arabia is concerned, it is a very sensitive matter,” he said.

He added that now Iran is re-emerging as a major country of the world, Iran is our neighbor and we also have very deep relations with Saudi Arabia, this is the test of foreign policy of Pakistan. “Pakistan must bring these two countries together without tilting towards any side,” he said.

Chairman of National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Laghari in his remarks said Pakistan government is excited to enhance its relationship with Iran especially trade ties.

“We are concerned about our relationship with Iran and Saudi Arabia both, we are close to Iran and Saudi Arabia and cannot even afford a slight deterioration of relationship with both countries,” he said.

The lawmaker said that it is in the interest of Pakistan to have strong relationship with both countries and Pakistan up till now has maintained good relations with both the countries.

“As far as the mediation is concerned, it all depends on Iran and Saudi Arabia. But if there is some kind of resolution moved on Syria and Yemen, I think Iran and Saudi Arabia might come close to each other,” he said.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi in his speech said parliament plays a very important role in formulation of foreign policy of any country. He said that it was the decision of the parliament which forced the government to stay away from sending troops to Yemen.

Criticizing the government, he said the parliament was not aware about the stance of Pakistan on Iran-Saudi Arabia tension. “Even the foreign office was not aware of anything,” he said.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that he along with his party chief Imran Khan had met the ambassadors of Iran and Saudi Arabia to know about the situation.
