Baghdad, Jan 25, IRNA – President of Iraq Fuad Masoum in a meeting with Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani here on Monday criticized certain countries' role in spreading terrorism in Iraq and added that now these states have realized that ISIL is after formation of a global government.

Unfortunately, a number of countries have helped in spread of terrorism in Iraq, but now they have understood that mission of ISIL is not confined to Iraq or Syria alone, rather it is after formation of a global government.
He added that Iraq still needs international support in its fight against terrorism, but to this end it does not need foreign troops because Iraq has no shortages in this concern.
Referring to Iran's role in the fight against terrorism in the region and Tehran's assistances to Baghdad during crisis time, President Masoum said that Iran has always played a positive role.
He expressed pleasure with Iran's nuclear deal and said that the Islamic Republic managed to get its right in this concern. He added that Iraq wants to expand bilateral ties with Iran and there is no obstacle in this way.
Larijani said that Iran has always enjoyed good historical ties with various sections of Iraqi society and added that Iran favors a strong and advanced Iraq.
Referring to security progress in Iraq, Larijani said that while security problems are on the rise in the region, Iraq is moving toward solving its issues and time is in the favor of Iraq.
Ali Larijani, who arrived in Baghdad on Saturday evening to attend the 11th Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), earlier met with Prime Minister Haidar al-Ebadi on Sunday.