Tehran, April 22, IRNA – Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said the 27-day aggression on Yemen and its ending by the Saudi Arabia sent the message to the world that the childish military action was a failure.

In the Wednesday morning session of the Iranian parliemant, he condemned the killing of the defenseless people in Yemen during the military operations.

Denouncing the Tuesday night declaration of the Saudi Arabia that it gained its objectives in Yemen, he referred to killing of over one thousand civilians and injury of thousands of others, destruction of infrastructures and gaining dominance over a number of provinces by Ansarullah and Yemen army as the outcomes of the military assault.

He said the Saudi behavior in Yemen contradicted the style of an Islamic state and indicated the inefficiency of its approach.

The speaker also said the Saudi illusions triggered many crises in the region.

The Yemeni nation was the ultimate winner of the Saudi game, Larijani added.

The Saudi-led bombing coalition announced on Tuesday the end to a military operation against Yemen, a statement read on Saudi-owned Arabiya TV said.

The alliance had achieved its military goals in Yemen through the campaign dubbed 'Storm of Resolve' and will now begin a new operation called 'Restoring Hope,' it claimed, according to Reuters.

The mission, the statement said, would focus on security at home and counter-terrorism, aid and a political solution in Yemen.

Iran's Foreign Ministry welcomed Saudi Arabia’s halt to its aerial invasion of Yemen, expressing hope that all parties to the conflict would try to resolve the crisis in the impoverished Arab country through diplomatic means.

“We had previously announced that the crisis in Yemen has no military solution,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said on Tuesday night.

“Establishment of truce and a halt to the killing of innocent and defenseless human beings is certainly one step forward,” Afkham said.
