14th Presidential Election

  • Supreme Leader Casts His Vote in Iran's 14th Presidential Election

    Photo: Akbar Tavakkoli & Marzieh Mousavi

    Supreme Leader Casts His Vote in Iran's 14th Presidential Election

    Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei participated in the 14th presidential election at 8:00 am on Friday (June 28, 2024) and cast his vote.

  • Saeed Jalili

    Saeed Jalili

    Saeed Jalili, the candidate for the 14th presidential term, was born in Mashhad in 1965. Before that, he was the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council and the head of Iran's nuclear negotiating team with Western countries. In 2013, he was nominated in the 11th round of the presidential election, and won more than 4 million votes and came third. Since than, Jalili has been a member of the Expediency Council and a representative of the Supreme Leader in the Supreme National Security Council.