Tajikistan northern for Dushanbe leaves Khatami President
Dushanbe left Khatami Mohammad President -- IRNA 2, May Dushanbe,
President Tajikistan's by officially off seen being after Thursday
.Rahmonov Imamali
northern in province Soqd of capital the for Dushanbe left He
few a visit and intellectuals Tajik of number a meet to Tajikistan
.exhibitions and monuments historical
over of population a has Khojand, is capital whose province, Soqd
center cultural and economic largest the as considered is million one
.Tajikistan in
Kamal poet, Tajik the of place birth the is Khojand of city The
.cities Transoxanian historical ancient most the of one and Khojandi,
of republic Persian-speaking the in arrived who Khatami, President
Asian Central to visit his of leg last the on Tuesday on Tajikistan
counterpart Tajik his with views exchanged and talks held countries,
further for need the underlined He .officials senior other and
while fields economic and cultural the in ties bilateral of broadening
.Koulab and Dushanbe in officials Tajik the with conferring
cooperation nine Tajikistan, to visit Khatami's President During
a as assessed experts political which signed were agreements
countries two the between ties of broadening towards step significant
.culture and language common with
the to visit Dushanbe, in residing Iranians the Meeting
historical other and museum archaeological the institute, orientology
Ali Seyd Mir of tomb the specially Koulab of city the in monuments
the of some also were poet and gnostic Iranian prominent the Hamedani,
to visit his during schedule Khatami's President on programs
Tehran for leave to due are delegation his and Khatami President
.Khojand of city the visiting after afternoon this