Oct 19, 2024, 12:09 PM
Journalist ID: 5486
News ID: 85632354
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3+3 meeting: A timely action

Oct 19, 2024, 12:09 PM
News ID: 85632354
By Mohsen Pakaein
3+3 meeting: A timely action

The meeting of foreign ministers of regional cooperation in the Caucasus was held in Istanbul, with the presence of Iran, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Although this so-called (3+3) meeting was accompanied by the absence of Georgia, it shows the will of the main actors of the Caucasus to establish peace and stability in this region and replace cooperation with tension. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the following points.

1. At this stage, when the final parts of signing the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia are being passed, holding such a meeting was a timely and necessary measure and caused influential countries such as Iran, Russia and Turkey to come to the conclusion that the agreement should be finalized. In this case, with the connection of Azerbaijan and Armenia in the economy of the region, stability and security will be established and will lead to the formation of the economic development of the Caucasus. 

2. According to published news, Baku and Yerevan have agreed on about 17 clauses out of the 20 clauses of the peace agreement, and only a few more clauses remain that can be realized with the goodwill of the two countries and the assistance of the regional states. The constructive approach of the Republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia in accepting each other’s territorial integrity and the non-change of international borders led to the return of Karabakh to the Republic of Azerbaijan and the removal of the shadow of war from the province of Sivnik in Armenia and the creation of a foundation for securing the Armenians of Karabakh. Postponing the controversial issue of the Zangzor crossing until after the signing of the peace agreement also indicated the serious desire of Baku and Yerevan to establish stability and peace in the Caucasus. 

3. By accepting the construction of the railway line of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the Aras Pass, the Islamic Republic of Iran provided the possibility of the railway access of the Republic of Azerbaijan from the city of Aghband to Nakhchivan, and with its positive participation, took an important step towards the resolution of regional disputes. Communication is important, and for this reason, during the 30-year Karabakh war, the Republics of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkey used Iran’s transportation routes.

4. Naturally, the countries outside the region, which seek their interests in the continuation of the war and dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including the US, Israel and several European countries, are dissatisfied with the final peace agreement between these two countries and may take measures to create obstacles for the formation of this understanding or postpone it. Therefore, the main players in the region should be alert and avoid the tricks of Western countries to disrupt the path of peace. In the implementation of the understanding of the Istanbul meeting, we can hope that the problems of the region will be resolved with the presence of relevant countries and without the interference of extra-regional and Western countries.

5. In this meeting and on the sidelines, in the bilateral meetings, the foreign ministers paid special attention to the genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel, and the joint approach of the 3+3 group members in supporting the people of Gaza and Lebanon and their demands for establishing an immediate ceasefire can be considered as a useful and valuable action.

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