Jun 8, 2024, 9:37 AM
Journalist ID: 1848
News ID: 85501558
5 Persons



Ex-Israeli minister says regime reaches total humiliation in Gaza

Tehran, IRNA – The leader of the Yisrael Beytenu party Avigdor Liberman has confessed to the Zionist regime’s total humiliation and shame instead of victory in Gaza.

After eight months of war, Israel has lost the north, gained humiliation instead of victory, and lost in its fight against Hezbollah which does anything it wants, IRNA cited foreign media on Saturday.

In the the war that started in October 2023, Israel could neither annihilate Hamas nor retrieve Israeli captives from Gaza, Al Mayadeen quoted Liberman a saying.

In a related development, Israel’s opposition leader Yair Lapid has described the cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu as corrupt, saying the prime minister is unable to improve the current bad political conditions in the regime.

Also, the regime’s radio and television organization had already reported that Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s war cabinet, would resign on Saturday, which may lead to collapse of the cabinet.

Meanwhile, the US President Joe Biden’s administration has demanded Gantz not to resign at the present time.

Since the start of war in Gaza, the Zionist regime of Israel has been sinking more and more into its domestic and foreign crises.

Its aggression has brought nothing but destruction, massacre, crime and starvation in the Gaza Strip.

Since the outset of the war, over 36,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed in the Gaza Strip.


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