May 19, 2024, 12:13 PM
Journalist ID: 5486
News ID: 85482060
2 Persons


West Asia and signs of new order

May 19, 2024, 12:13 PM
News ID: 85482060
By Mohsen Pakaein
West Asia and signs of new order

The trend of developments in West Asia is moving towards the intensification of instability and chaos in the occupied territories and cohesion and coordination in the Resistance Front. Considering Israel’s military defeats and the occurrence of a serious economic crisis, there is no clear vision for the future of the regime, and this has also been acknowledged by realistic analysts.

In this regard, the following points are noteworthy:

1. The chaotic international situation, talks of the suspension of the Zionist regime’s membership in the United Nations, and demand of the majority of the countries in the world for Palestinian membership in this organization practically show the isolation of a regime that scraps the United Nations Charter in a shredder. In the domestic arena, the existence of multiple pressure groups and lack of a nation-state, which has caused a deep gap between the government and the people of the occupied lands, have created a favorable environment for the activity of opposition parties and destabilizing currents.

2. On the opposite front, the members of the Axis of Resistance such as Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Syria and Iran have a common vision to continue to support the oppressed people of Palestine and fully confront Israel, given the stalemate of the United States and several other Western countries in supporting the occupying regime. In the US and the countries supporting the genocide in Palestine, such as the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, university students and professors, as elite forces, have come to the stage in opposition to the unjust policies of their countries in supporting the crimes of the regime. The Zionists oppose and support the cause of Palestinian freedom in Gaza and the West Bank. The tone of most of the Arab countries in the Persian Gulf and North Africa is also harsh against Israel, and the gap between the supporters of the Abraham Accords and the Zionist regime is increasing day by day.

3. The Biden administration, as the leading supporter of the Zionist regime in the Gaza war, imagined that it would gradually expand the partnership and increase the level of interaction with West Asian countries and strengthen the position of the Democratic Party on the eve of the presidential elections. Today, Biden is experiencing new failures and setbacks in the field of foreign relations because China and Russia have strengthened their position in international institutions, including the United Nations, by adopting a realistic policy and have overtaken the US in this field. Also, Russia has taken advantage of the opportunity and is strengthening its foothold in Ukraine, and China, considering the turmoil in the Western bloc, has increased its presence in the backyards of the US and Europe and has a practical plan to further isolate Taiwan.

4. These conditions promise the creation of a new order in the region, the characteristics of which are mistrust toward the US, the gradual decline of Israel, the strengthening of multilateralism, the authority of the Axis of Resistance, and the prominence of the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran as an intelligent and policy-making power in the region. Iran, as a revolutionary system, along with its allies, has pressured the US as the guide and supporter of Israel’s policies and is moving towards the unity of Muslims around the axis of Palestine. Iran’s strategic patience and unhurried approach, which was highlighted by carrying out operations against Israel, has led to the advancement of the country’s deterrence policy and has improved the enemy’s plans.

5. Naturally, the Western powers, especially the United States, will be active in preventing or delaying the formation of the new order, and supporting the Zionist regime is one of the serious measures taken by the West, especially the United States, to prevent the new order.

The main goal of the West is that Muslim countries restrain and control the Axis of Resistance and not give them the opportunity to play an effective role in supporting Palestine. Maintaining the sanctions against Iran and extending it to the countries of the Axis of Resistance and using terrorism as a destabilizing element are among the measures of the West to deal with the new order. At the same time, the new order will be formed following the occurrence of gradual changes and influential events, and it will be a long-term process full of ups and downs and affected by unforeseen possible events.

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