Apr 20, 2024, 11:57 PM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 85451270
1 Persons


Israeli protesters call for PM resignation as captives remain in Gaza

Tehran, IRNA – Israeli protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday night, renewing calls for the exchange of Palestinian prisoners with captives who still remain in Gaza.

The protesters gathered outside the ministry of war, demanding snap elections and the resignation of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Palestinian and Israeli reports.

Israeli media reported earlier on Saturday that demonstrations had been planned in 55 locations across the occupied territories as anger boils over the failure of Netanyahu’s cabinet to reach a deal with Hamas and secure the release of the captives.

The exchange of the captives with Palestinian prisoners is the main part of a Gaza ceasefire deal which Hamas and Israel have been negotiating for weeks through mediators, Qatar and Egypt.

So far, the negotiations have produced no results, with Hamas accusing Israel of refusing to meet its demands which the resistance movement says are also the demands of the Palestinian people.

Hamas has called for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes. It also says more humanitarian aid should be allowed into Gaza.


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