Apr 14, 2024, 6:10 PM
News ID: 85444385
4 Persons



'Iran's retaliation against Israel changed regional equations'

Apr 14, 2024, 6:10 PM
News ID: 85444385
'Iran's retaliation against Israel changed regional equations'

Tehran, IRNA - A senior Yemeni official says Iran's retaliatory airstrike against the Israeli regime further changed the regional equations, warning that a much larger operation could follow if Tel Aviv continues its "foolishness".

Yasser al-Huri, secretary of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, told IRNA in an interview on Sunday that Iran's missile and drone strikes against the occupied territories were calculated and strong response that challenged the Israeli regime and its Western allies.

"Iran punished Israel before the world's eyes and these operations were part of the change in regional equations," he said."If Tel Aviv continues its foolishness, these operations will pave the way for a larger battle."

In the early hours of Sunday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched a volley of missiles and drones towards the Israeli occupied territories in response to a  deadly attack on the Iranian diplomatic premises in Syria early this month.

Al-Huri pointed out that the operation showed that Israel is a "fragile regime" that will not survive without the US support.

The implications of Iran's retaliation must be assessed not only by the material damage it caused, but also the "psychological, political, and media" damages that it inflicted on the Israeli regime and its allies, he said.

"The Zionist regime was built by America, and this country, along with some Western and Arab countries, support its existence behind the scenes," Al-Huri said.

"If these countries did not support the regime, now there would be no trace of it left," he added.


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