Apr 11, 2024, 10:23 PM
Journalist ID: 1852
News ID: 85441631
1 Persons


Had perpetrators of attack on Iranian consulate prosecuted, no need for punishment: Iran

New York - IRNA - Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations announced that if the perpetrators of the Zionist regime's aggression against Iran's diplomatic facilities were tried, perhaps there would be no need for punishment.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a message on the occasion of the martyrdom of Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and a group of his comrades by the usurping and hated Zionist regime, emphasized that "we will make them regret this crime and similar ones".

The Iranian mission stressed that if the United Nations Security Council had condemned the Zionist regime's encroachment on our diplomatic facilities in Damascus and subsequently prosecuted its perpetrators, perhaps there would have been no need for Iran to punish this rebellious regime.

Following this attack, Iran's mission at the United Nations sent a letter to the UN Security Council to condemn this act, and following that, Russia requested a public meeting of the United Nations Security Council from Malta, which holds the rotating presidency of this council.

The meeting was held on April 2, 2024, and the representatives of the member countries of the United Nations Security Council in the emergency meeting of this council regarding the attack of the Israeli regime on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus, Syria condemned and warned about the actions of this regime and more tension in the region.

The three countries of the United States, the UK and France, as well as their allies, South Korea and Japan, not only did not condemn this Israeli attack, but also prevented the issuance of a UN Security Council resolution to condemn this attack.

Following this action, Iran's representation in the organization announced that the UN Security Council meeting condemned Israel's attack on Iran's diplomatic facilities and emphasized the immunity of diplomatic facilities.

"Despite this alliance, the US, France and the UK opposed Russia's statement. This double-standard undermines the credibility of the Security Council and leaves a dangerous path," it added.


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