President Raisi: Iran attaches special importance to ties with Iraq

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says Iran attaches special importance to bilateral and regional cooperation with Iraq.

In a telephone conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani on Wednesday night, Raisi expressed hopes for closer relations between Tehran and Baghdad through the determination of the high-ranking officials of both countries.

Hailing the shared stance adopted by Iran and Iraq against the usurping Zionist regime in support of the oppressed Palestinian nation, the Iranian president highlighted the need for all Islamic countries to adopt such a shared stance.

He also appreciated the Iraqi government’s sympathies with the Iranian government and people for the Israeli regime’s deadly attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria on Monday.

The terrorist crime of the Zionist regime is a clear violation of the principle of immunity of diplomatic, consular missions and personnel, he asserted.

Raisi added, “God-willing, the Zionist regime would pay a heavy price for its criminal action in attacking the Iranian Consulate in the Syrian capital.”

Al Sudani, for his part, offered his condolences to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei as well as the government and people of Iran over the martyrdom of senior IRGC Quds Force commander Major General Mohammadreza Zahedi and a group of his comrades in the Israeli attack.

Considering such criminal acts to be the result of the terrible and consecutive defeats of the criminal Israeli regime in the battle against the Resistance Front in the region, he said, “We are confident that with the dignified and authoritative directives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic resistance will gain a decisive final victory.”

Al Sudani also expressed his gratitude for the unwavering and continuous support of the Islamic Republic of Iran for its efforts to establish lasting peace and stability in Iraq, stressing his government’s interest in strengthening Tehran-Baghdad strategic relations and cooperation.


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