Apr 3, 2024, 4:27 AM
Journalist ID: 5537
News ID: 85433363
2 Persons


Iran, Syria presidents discuss Israeli crimes on phone

Apr 3, 2024, 4:27 AM
News ID: 85433363
Iran, Syria presidents discuss Israeli crimes on phone

Tehran, IRNA - Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi has lambasted the West for continuing to provide financial, weapon and media support to Israel despite knowing that the Zionist regime does not adhere to any of the humanitarian and international principles.

According to IRNA, Raisi made the remarks in a phone conversation with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who conveyed his condolences on the martyrdom of Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and a group of his comrades in in a terrorist attack by the Zionist regime on the Iranian Embassy in Syria on Monday.

While sharing his sympathy with the government and people of Iran as well as the families of the martyrs, Assad said: The unprecedented crime of the Zionist regime is not only a violation of international laws, but also shows the height of insolence and moral decadence of this regime that continues its deadly aggression and criminality in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

The Syrian president noted that the Zionist regime seeks to escape from the quagmire it is caught in by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and emphasized the need to support the axis of resistance and punish the Israeli regime.

Bashar Assad also referred to the towering personality of Major General Zahedi, one of the senior commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps, who was one of the martyrs of the Israeli attack. “This high-ranking martyr had a distinguished personality and a humble hero, who, like the martyrs of Syria, is valuable for our nation”, he said.

The Iranian president, for his part, appreciated his Syrian counterpart for expressing sympathy and condolences and standing by the Iranian nation.

Raisi said the latest terrorist and criminal act shows desperation and helplessness of the Zionist regime but vowed that they will certainly be punished for their shameful act. "There is no doubt that this regime and its backers are responsible for this terrorist and brutal crime."

The Iranian president emphasized that Tehran and Damascus have always considered the Zionist regime a cancerous tumor that disturbs security, peace and stability in the region and the world, and stressed the need to strengthen regional and international cooperation to deal with the criminality of this regime.


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