The Euphrates softshell turtle, also known as the Mesopotamian softshell turtle, belongs to the family Trionychidae. It is found throughout much of the Euphrates-Tigris river basin in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and the Khouzestan province of Iran.
This endangered species is primarily threatened by habitat loss and alteration, especially due to the construction of dams, but also faces challenges from pollution and fishing.

During the signing ceremony of this memorandum, Nourollah Moradi, the deputy of education and public participation at Iran’s Department of Environment, emphasized that activities related to education and public participation should not be merely theatrical. Instead, they should be carried out with scientific and academic support.
He further highlighted the importance of forming a working group consisting of environmental experts in Khouzestan province and staff experts. The decisions made by this working group can then be executed as a specific action plan to carry out conservation activities.
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