Mar 2, 2024, 7:47 AM
Journalist ID: 1848
News ID: 85405004
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on March 2

Mar 2, 2024, 7:47 AM
News ID: 85405004
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on March 2

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, March 2, 2024:


- A wake-up call to Israel’s brutal nature

The events on Thursday morning on al-Rashid Street in Gaza City shed even more light on the true colors of the Israeli regime. This regime zeroed in on civilians queuing up for humanitarian aid and food, killing over 100 people and injuring 1000 others. It’s now crystal clear to everyone that the situation in the Gaza Strip is not just a conflict; it transcends into genocide and systematic brutality. Netanyahu and his hard-line cabinet are on a mission to render the Gaza Strip uninhabitable. The objectives of the Israeli regime surpass the previously disclosed and inhumane intentions.

- Iranians vote in parliamentary, Assembly of Experts elections

Iranians headed to the polling stations across the country on Friday to vote in elections for Parliament and the Assembly of Experts. More than 61 million people, out of Iran’s 85-million population, were eligible to choose 290 members of Parliament and 88 members of the Assembly of Experts. A body with an eight-year mandate, the Assembly of Experts is in charge of overseeing the activities of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and is in a position of authority to either appoint or dismiss the Leader.

- Global anger as Israel kills over 100 Palestinians waiting for aid

Reactions have poured in from all over the world after Israeli troops on Thursday opened fire on Palestinians at a food aid distribution site in northern Gaza, killing more than 100 people. Gaza’s Health Ministry called it a “massacre” and said 112 people were killed and more than 750 others wounded. The Israeli military claimed a “stampede” occurred when thousands of Gazans surrounded the convoy of 38 aid trucks, leading to dozens of deaths and injuries, including some who were run over.


- Iranians rebuff electoral boycott calls

Before the voting day had even arrived in Iran, Western media outlets became awash with reports and analyses predicting that Iranians would not turn up at the polling stations this year.  Headlines such as “Iran braces for low election turnout”, “Iranians expected to shun elections”, and “low turnout and boycott expected”, were how the stenographers of politicians in the West decided to speak of Iran’s March 1 elections. However, none of these renowned media outlets managed to come up with substantial data or polling information to support their claims.

- Parliamentary elections enjoy high security: interior minister

The interior minister expressed satisfaction over security of the parliamentary elections across the country.  During a visit to the Interior Ministry election headquarters in Tehran, Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli underscored that all cities and towns across the country are in full security. On Wednesday, the intelligence minister had announced that there was no security concern over the Friday elections as the entire relevant bodies had done their best to prevent any possible mishap.

- High voter turnout among Iranian expatriates

Iranians living abroad flocked to polling stations set up by the Iranian Foreign Ministry across the globe to take part in elections affecting the daily lives of Iranians both at home and abroad. Iranian expatriates in 133 countries turned out in large numbers in 234 polling stations to exercise their right to have a say on matters of their homeland. Voting went ahead mostly in Iranian diplomatic missions, namely embassies and consulates. The polls were opened on Friday morning during local business hours mostly starting at 08:00 am local times.


- Iranians disappoint enemies again

Iranians voted for a new parliament on Friday, with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei being the first to cast his vote. The polls opened at 8 a.m. local time (0430) on Friday and were open until 8 p.m. local time (1630 GMT) after authorities extended the voting by two hours. Initial election results are expected as early as Saturday. “Vote as soon as possible ... today the eyes of Iran’s friends and ill-wishers are on the results. Make friends happy and disappoint enemies,” Ayatollah Khamenei said after casting his ballot.

- World angry as US backs aid convoy carnage in Gaza

The death Thursday of at least 112 Palestinians seeking humanitarian aid in Gaza City sparked wide international condemnation Friday following what witnesses and Gazan health officials said was the result of Israeli fire. Gaza hospital officials initially reported an Israeli strike on the crowd at the Al-Nabusi traffic circle in the western part of Gaza City. Witnesses later said Zionist troops opened fire as people pulled flour and canned goods off aid trucks.

- Yemen vows new ‘military surprises’ in Red Sea

Yemen’s armed forces will introduce “military surprises” in their Red Sea operations, Ansarullah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi says. “Our military operations will continue and advance and we have surprises that our enemies will not expect at all,” al-Houthi said in a televised speech on Thursday.


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