Feb 17, 2024, 11:50 AM
Journalist ID: 5486
News ID: 85389207
1 Persons



By Mohsen Pakaein

A terrible crime against media freedom

Feb 17, 2024, 11:50 AM
News ID: 85389207
A terrible crime against media freedom

Tehran, IRNA - According to the official statistics, some 126 journalists have been martyred during the war in Gaza, and this shows that the Zionist regime is making every effort to target the media and disrupt the free flow of information. 

Based on international regulations and laws, several categories of people and classes, including aid staff, journalists and diplomats, enjoy immunity during wartime and should not be attacked or harmed by the parties to the conflict, and should not even be prevented from doing their work. 

On the other hand, the deliberate killing of journalists is considered a war crime, and the International Criminal Court in The Hague has the authority to investigate such war crimes and issue a ruling on them, and this ruling is binding on all countries.

All these cases are because journalists reflect the realities of the field and keep the public informed about the events including the issue of the Gaza war, and people are directly informed of what is happening in the field.

For several reasons, the Zionist regime does not want to let the people of the world know about the events during the Gaza war. First of all, this regime wants to keep its crimes secret. For example, attacking civilians and hospitals, killing children and women, and assassinating them are examples of war crimes, and the Zionist regime does not want such crimes, which it has committed in abundance, to be reflected by journalists and for the people to be informed about them.

The second point is that the regime that usurped al-Quds does not want the Israeli casualties to be known, and in fact, with wide-ranging and very severe censorship, it tries to keep the people of the occupied territories and their supporters unaware of the amount of damage that Israel has suffered as well as the death toll.

Apart from killing journalists, another goal of the Israeli regime is to put some information sites under its influence, other than the regional media. For example, if someone googles the term “Israeli casualty rate”, they will not find any data in this regard, and instead, the data provided by Google in different languages is based on the statistics of the casualties of the people of Gaza, and it is quite clear that this search engine is under the influence of the Zionist regime and it is not allowed to refer to websites reporting the amount of damage as well as the number of casualties and injuries of the Israeli regime.

Another issue is that at the beginning of the war, Israel tried to censor the news in some way by carrying out a psychological operation to form its invincibility against the Palestinians, but with the passage of time and in a situation where the failures of the Zionist regime could not be denied in any way, the Zionist regime sought to make the media look oppressed and make Hamas guilty, and therefore, it spread some lies in the media, such as cutting off the hands and feet of children or insulting women by Hamas. However, such a trick failed because the independent media did not follow this regime and reflected the realities of the war. Because of this, Israel decided to threaten the journalists and started killing media people and targeted the journalists’ tower in Gaza.

These actions, completely contrary to international regulations, forced various organizations to move and react. In particular, the Reporters Without Borders organization announced in a comparison that the killing of journalists in the Gaza war was more than all the classical wars that have occurred. Therefore, this organization asked the International Court of Justice in The Hague to intervene in this case and examine it as a war crime.

In general, it seems that at the current stage, it is necessary for all international institutions related to the field of information to send complaints to The Hague. Different countries, including Islamic governments and the Axis of Resistance that have been a pioneer in this field, they can also become active and make the voice of these oppressed informants known to the world with a strong diplomacy and by focusing on the killing of journalists.


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