Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Tehran, IRNA – Commemorative ceremonies for the 45th anniversary of Iran's Islamic Revolution have taken place in several countries.

The Islamic Revolution overthrew the Shah’s regime in 1979, replacing it with the Islamic Republic.


On Friday evening, a joint celebration of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and Eid al-Mab’ath was held in Moscow. The event was attended by Iran’s ambassador to Russia, Kazem Jalali, along with cultural and scientific advisors to the foreign minister. Figures and supporters of the Islamic Revolution from Iran and regional countries gathered at the Islamic Center in Moscow as well.

During the ceremony, Ambassador Jalali noted that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States claimed global hegemony and aimed to maintain a unipolar system. However, during this period, Iran stood alone against the unipolar world order led by Washington, bearing the associated costs. Today, Iran has found many allies on this path, including Russia.


A ceremony, held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, was attended by a group of Kazakh government officials, ambassadors, heads of foreign missions, and diplomats residing in Astana, along with representatives of political parties and social organizations of Kazakhstan.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

During the event, Shakkaliyev Arman, the Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, described Tehran as an important and reliable partner of Astana in the Persian Gulf region.

Ali-Akbar Jokar, the Iranian ambassador in Astana, said that within less than two months after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, two referendums were held to determine both the government and the constitution. This rapid process is unique in the history of world revolutions, he argued.


The 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution was held at the Lotte Seoul Hotel in the South Korean capital, Seoul. The event was attended by a group of South Korean political, parliamentary, and economic officials, representatives of economic companies, and cultural, academic, research, and scientific centers, along with some media personnel.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

During the ceremony, Iran's Ambassador in Seoul Saeed Koozechi pointed out that Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. He added that the Iranian people and government have achieved brilliant accomplishments in various scientific, technological, and economic fields over the past four decades. Remarkably, all of these achievements occurred while Iran faced numerous conspiracies and challenges, including the imposed war, economic sanctions, and maximum pressure.


The 45th anniversary of the the Islamic Revolution was commemorated in Beijing, with the presence of diplomats, foreign representatives, media figures, and cultural and economic players at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

China’s vice minister of foreign affairs attended the ceremony as a special guest, who also held discussions with Mohsen Bakhtiar, the Iranian ambassador to Beijing, to address bilateral matters of mutual interest.

Bakhtiar also highlighted the achievements of the Islamic Republic over the past 45 years in various fields, including science, culture, and economy.

Emphasizing the strategic level and comprehensive cooperation between Iran and China, he detailed the accomplishments of Iran-China relations in the past year.


A ceremony celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Republic was held in Tokyo, Japan, with high-ranking government and parliamentary officials, resident ambassadors, diplomats, and Iranian nationals in attendance. 
The event featured various cultural and artistic performances, including music and poetry, emphasizing the friendship and cooperation between the two nations.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Tarō Kōno, Minister for Digital Transformation of Japan, represented the Japanese government at the ceremony.


Iranian Ambassador to Tajikistan Alireza Haghighian addressed a gathering of diplomats and officials in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. 

“Within the framework of the Islamic Republic's independent foreign policy approach and the intelligent use of changes in the world order, Iran as a regional power has become an active, independent and influential actor,” the ambassador said.


Madrid, the capital of Spain, also hosted an event marking the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. 

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

The ceremony, held at the InterContinental Hotel, was attended by Iranian Ambassador to Spain Reza Zabib, resident diplomats, and officials from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Iranian ambassador delivered a speech, highlighting the roots of the Islamic Revolution and delineating the achievements of the past four decades in various fields including science, society, and foreign policy.


A ceremony was held in the Iranian Embassy in Budapest on Saturday to mark 45 years that have passed since the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

The ceremony was attended by Laszlo Varadi, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, and other senior officials of the ministry. Ambassadors and diplomats residing in Budapest, business representatives, members of Hungary-Iran friendship group as well as Iranians living in Hungary were also present in the ceremony.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

In a speech to the guests, Iran’s ambassador to Hungary Morteza Moradian hailed Iran’s continued success in the fields of economy and science over the past 45 years despite the fact that the country has been subject to internal and external pressures and foreign sanctions.


Iran’s Cultural Centre and Embassy in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka arranged an event on the occasion of 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The meeting was held at the University of Dhaka under the theme ‘Islamic Revolution in Iran and Its New Message’.

Ministry of Liberation War Affairs AKM Mozammel Huq had been invited as the chief guest. Iran’s Ambassador to Bangladesh, Mansour Chavoshi and Chancellor of Al-Mustafa International University Dr. Ali Abbasi and Professor Zia Rahman, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Dhaka were present as special guests.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

The event was also attended by university faculty members and students and congratulated on the eve of Iran's Islamic Revolution Day anniversary.


A celebration marking the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic revolution and the national day of Iran was held in Armenia. The ceremony was organized by the Iranian Embassy in Yerevan, in the presence of Armenian officials, ambassadors, diplomats and Iranian expatriates.

After the playing of the national anthems of the two countries, Iran’s ambassador congratulated the Iranian nation, especially those living in Armenia on the achievements of the Islamic Republic in various domains over the past four decades.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Mher Grigoryan, the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia and the special guest of the ceremony, described the relations between the two countries as friendly and dating back to thousands of years.

With the efforts of the cultural counsel of the embassy, a photo exhibition showcasing Iran’s cultural, artistic and economic achievements was also held at the place of the National Day celebration.

Vatican City

In a related development, Iran’s Ambassador to Vatican City, Mohammad Hossein Mokhtari, stated that the motto ‘Neither East, nor West’, adopted by the Islamic Revolution, represents a new paradigm of independent foreign policy.

This foreign policy encourages other governments and nations to assert their independence from world powers, as emphasized by the ambassador. He added that the motto reflects the independence-seeking spirit of the Iranian nation.

Regarding bilateral relations between Iran and Vatican City, the ambassador mentioned that the two entities will soon celebrate the 70th anniversary of their diplomatic ties. 

Dar es Salaam

A ceremony was held at the residence of the Iranian Ambassador in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

According to IRNA, the event was attended by Omar Said Shaaban, Minister of Trade and Industry of Zanzibar, as a special guest and official representative of Tanzania, along with a large gathering of foreign ambassadors, political, cultural, scientific, and religious dignitaries, alongside many Iranians residing in Dar es Salaam.


In Afghanistan,  Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the political deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Afghan caretaker government, expressed the importance of developing relations between Afghanistan and Iran over the past two years, emphasizing the need for further strengthening these relations in various dimensions.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Stanikzai he speaking at an event held to mark the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

Reporting from Kabul, IRNA quoted the official as saying, "The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is the result of the unity and solidarity of millions of Muslim men and women in Iran.

Stanikzai expressed congratulations to the Iranian ambassador, diplomats, and the noble people of Iran.


In honor of the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, a diplomatic ceremony was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, attended by Kazakh government officials, resident diplomats, and representatives of domestic and foreign organizations and institutions.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Mohsen Faghani, Consul General of Iran in Almaty, welcomed the Kazakh and Iranian guests present at the ceremony.

He said Iran has achieved significant results despite all-round sanctions in various fields and has a significant capacity for cooperation with other countries. 


The Consulate General of Iran in Saudi Arabia’s port city of Jeddah organized a ceremony to mark the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. 

The ceremony was attended by Mazen bin Hamad Al-Himali, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A number of diplomats from consulates based in Jeddah,representatives of various countries at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation as well as businessmen and media personalities were present at the event.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Iran’s Consul General, Hassan Zarnegar, in his speech, pointed out the scientific and technological achievements as well as the economic, tourism and scientific capacities of the Islamic Republic to further boost ties with Saudi Arabia in different fields


The 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution was celebrated with the participation of Irish political and parliamentary figures, foreign ambassadors, diplomats, and envoys from various countries to Ireland. Additionally, a group of Irish people interested in Iran and Iranians residing in Dublin joined the commemorative event.

During the ceremony, which was hosted by chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ireland Kazim Sharif Kazemi, participants extended their congratulations on the victory of the Islamic Revolution to both the representative of Iran and their Iranian counterparts.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Astrakhan and Kazan

Also, the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution was celebrated in separate ceremonies at the consulates of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Astrakhan and Kazan with senior officials from the Russian provinces in attendance.

During the ceremony, Governor of Astrakhan Igor Yuryevich Babushkin referred to the key role of the Islamic Revolution in establishing sustainable justice and peace in the world.

He termed Iran as an independent country that has combined the ancient spiritual values and support of national interests.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals


A ceremony celebrating the 45th victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution was held in Kuwait.

A number of high-ranking officials of the Kuwaiti government and parliament as well as foreign ambassadors and diplomats residing in the country took part in the event.

During the ceremony, Iran’s ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Totonchi elaborated on the achievements of the Islamic Republic in science, industry, medicine, and technology over the past 45 years.

He addressed the developments in Gaza and regional and international issues.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals


The 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution was celebrated in Rome in aa ceremony attended by a number of political figures, ambassadors, and diplomats.

Also, the representatives of media staff, university professors, Iranian residents, and Italian businesses took part in the event.

During the ceremony, Iran's Ambassador to Italy Mohammad Reza Sabouri said that the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to establish balanced political, economic, and cultural relations with all countries.

Iran continues to perform its stabilizing role in the ongoing regional developments, he said, adding that Tehran will prevent the spread of the crisis in the region.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals


Quetta, the capital of the Pakistani province of Balochistan, hosted a ceremony to mark the victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

Governor of Balochistan Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar said in the commemorative event that Pakistan enjoys over 900 kilometers of borders with Iran, noting that both countries have recently taken serious steps to expand their relations, especially in the field of trade.

He called for further improvement of ties with Iran, particularly the relations between the Iranian southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan and the Pakistani province of Balochistan.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals


A ceremony to commemorate the 45th victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution was held in Thailand’s capital city Bangkok on Monday February 12, 2024 and was attended by around 500 audiences, including Thailand’s parliament speaker and energy minister, as well foreign diplomats, representatives from universities and media outlets, and Iranian expatriates living in the Southeast Asian country.

In this ceremony, Iran’s Ambassador to Bangkok Reza Nobakhti pointed to the history of amicable ties between Iran and Thailand over the past 400 years while expressing hope that the relationship between the two peace-loving nations would improve in all areas of interest.

Speaker of the House of Representatives of Thailand Wan Muhamad Noor Matha also extended congratulations on the victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution as he expressed gratitude for Iran’s mediation to help free Thai captives in the Gaza Strip amid the war between Palestinian resistance fighters and the Israeli regime.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals


The ceremony commemorating the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution was held last night at the Iranian embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. The event was attended by enthusiastic Iranians residing abroad, Kenyan government officials, diplomats, academic and cultural figures, representatives from economic companies, and Kenyan media.

During the ceremony, the Iranian ambassador in Kenya condemned the crimes and killings of Palestinians by the Zionist regime in Gaza, emphasizing the need for holding the perpetrators accountable and highlighted the global community’s responsibility in confronting the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals


On the occasion of Bahman 22 (February 11), a celebration took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. Distinguished Persian language professors and prominent Iranologists from Bulgaria were introduced and honored during this event.

Ali-Reza Irvash, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bulgaria, extended his congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, emphasizing that the message of the Islamic Revolution encompasses peace, knowledge, and love for the world.

Additionally, an exhibition of Iranian handicrafts coincided with the 45th anniversary of the revolution in Sofia.


A ceremony was also held in the Czech Republic’s capital Prague on February 14 to mark the 45th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. Senior officials, parliamentarians as well as academics and foreign diplomats in Prague were in attendance.

Islamic Revolution anniversary marked in world capitals

Iran’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic Majid Qafeleh-Bashi addressed the ceremony. He said that the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy calls for durable security and stability based on constructive cooperation among regional countries.

He also said that the Raisi administration has specifically pursued the policy based on balanced power and interaction with neighboring countries of Iran.    


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