Jan 15, 2024, 11:45 AM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 85354714
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Ansarullah: Yemen to become graveyard of Americans after US aggression

Tehran, IRNA – Ali al-Qahoum, a top official of Yemen's ruling Houthi Ansarullah movement, has said that the US has opened “the doors of the hell to itself” by committing aggression against Yemen, pledging that Sana’a would give a painful response that would turn Yemen into “the graveyard of the Americans”.

“We tell the Americans that your actions against Yemen will be defeated and we will confront you with all of our power. After this aggression, Yemen will turn into the graveyard of the Americans and they will leave the region in humiliation,” Al-Qahoum, a member of Yemen’s Ansarullah Political Bureau, said on Monday in an interview with IRNA International Desk.

He made the comments as tensions are running high following US-led Western airstrikes that have targeted different areas across Yemen in the past few days over what Washington and its allies have described as threats to international shipping in the Red Sea.

Yemen has rejected the allegation and said that its attacks have only targeted Israeli-linked ships in an effort to force the regime to stop its military campaign in Gaza where nearly 24,000 Palestinians have been killed since October 7.

The Ansarullah official said that the US-led airstrikes violated international law and Yemen’s sovereignty and were aimed at opposing the Arab country’s national stance on supporting Gazans and on the strategic operation in the Red Sea.

With this aggression, al-Qahoum said, the US and its allies began a war with Yemen and they should await “strategic blows and a more painful response” from the country.

They will definitely regret their decision to commit this act of aggression and will pay a heavy price, he stressed, adding that “Yemeni leaders, armed forces and people are fully prepared to enter a direct and all-out war with the Great Satan to defend Palestine.”

The Ansarullah official reiterated that operations against Israeli-linked ships will continue until the aggression against Gaza ends, with Yemen being proud of standing by the Palestinian nation until final victory and the annihilation of the Israeli regime.


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