Nov 29, 2023, 9:55 PM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 85307258
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Israeli shipping company changes routes of vessels amid Yemen retaliation over Gaza

Tehran, IRNA – Israel’s cargo shipping company, ZIM, has announced plans to change the maritime routes of its vessels amid threats by Yemeni armed forces to target Israeli-linked ships in response to the regime’s crimes against Palestinians in Gaza.

The regime’s major shipping company has decided to change routes of its vessels in the Red Sea as well as the Sea of Oman over what has been described as a change in conditions in both seas, the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (Kan) said on Wednesday.

Israeli media earlier reported that the regime’s vessels had been forced to take longer maritime routes and take a long way around Africa, which have cost them higher expenditures as they have to pay extra money to insurance companies.

In recent weeks, Yemeni armed forces have launched several attacks on Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea over the regime’s brutalities against Palestinians during its ongoing war on Gaza.

The Yemeni armed forces had already warned of those attacks and have on various occasions announced that they would continue to target Israeli-linked vessels unless the regime stops its bloodshed in Gaza.

The forces have also launched several missile and drone attacks on Israeli positions in retaliation for the regime’s crimes.


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