Apr 13, 2023, 11:18 PM
News ID: 85081992
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Qods Day commemoration essential in campaign to liberate Palestine: Hezbollah chief

Tehran, IRNA – Secretary general of Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in Beirut on Thursday that International Quds Day Commemoration is an essential part of Islamic Ummah's campaign to liberate Palestine.

Nasrallah who was speaking in the annual Qods Tribune ceremony referred to the nomination of the last Friday of the holy fasting month of Ramada as the International Quds Day by the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Khomeini, arguing that with the passage of each day it becomes more evident how important that nomination was in the great upcoming campaign to liberate Palestine.

"Our Islamic Ummah, and the other nations will begin that great campaign all over the occupied lands of Palestine, and the Resistance Front will play the pivotal role in it in collaboration with the nations and liberation movements," he added, according to Lebanon's Al Minar News Network.

He said that since last year the International Quds Day till today's very important and fate making developments in the region, the world and inside the Zionist regime all over the occupied Palestine, are all positive developments.

"I believe all those developments are in line with the lengthy process of our engagement with the Zionists' occupation project, which is moving towards annihilation, although it is jointly pursued by the United States' hegemonic tendencies, and the usurper regime of Israel's expansionist moves," he added.

He said that the world is moving towards becoming a multi-polar international system to reach stability, which means the US unilateralism, especially in the Middle East region as the absolute supporter of the Zionist regime is reaching its end, as the world is moving towards it.


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