Nov 6, 2022, 10:49 AM
News ID: 84933927
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Iran unveils extended homegrown missile defense system, Bavar 373

Nov 6, 2022, 10:49 AM
News ID: 84933927
Iran unveils extended homegrown missile defense system, Bavar 373

Tehran, IRNA – New edition of Iran’s homegrown missile defense system, Bavar-373 which is being increased to 300 kilometers, was unveiled on Sunday with the presence of Iran's Defence Minister and Armed Forces Logistics, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Gharaei Ashtiani.

The extended homegrown missile defense system, Bavar 373 was unveiled and the Sayyad-4 guided missile production line was inaugurated on Sunday in a ceremony attended by Iran's Defence Minister and Armed Forces Logistics, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Gharaei Ashtiani.

Iranian engineers have increased the range of the Bavar-373 long-range road-mobile surface-to-air missile system to 300 km.

Iran unveils extended homegrown missile defense system, Bavar 373

Bavar 373, as the first Iranian indigenous long-range defense system which was unveiled in August 2019, is a mobile missile defense system designed to intercept and destroy incoming hostile targets.

The Bavar-373 air defense missile system is a product of creativity and reliance on internal capabilities in terms of design, development, and deployment of a strategic missile system.

According to official media, The Sayyad-4 guided missiles can be launched using vertical take-off systems , which, due to their square shape, are similar to those of the MIM-104 Patriot -Anti-aircraft missile system. The effective range of the missile should be 200 km and the service ceiling 27 km.

Commander of Iran's Army Air Defense Brigadier General Alireza Sabahifard on Sep 10, 2022, had said that the homegrown Bavar-373 defense missile system is capable of detecting and targeting the enemies' aircraft beyond the Iranian borders, as well as simultaneously detecting up to 300 targets, tracking 60 targets and engaging six targets.


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