Jul 12, 2022, 3:44 PM
Journalist ID: 1195
News ID: 84819192
1 Persons


US seeks to create ME army against Russia, China & Iran: Expert

Jul 12, 2022, 3:44 PM
News ID: 84819192
US seeks to create ME army against Russia, China & Iran: Expert

Tehran, IRNA – An Iranian expert said that United States President Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East is aimed at creating a regional army against Russia, China, and Iran.

In an interview with IRNA on Tuesday, West Asia expert Reza Sadr al-Hosseini said that Biden’s regional tour on July 14-16 was mainly aimed at normalizing the ties between Israel and the Middle East countries, as Biden has said in a Washington Post memo.

The next objective of the visit, al-Hosseini said, was to emphasize the US’ commitment to the security of the region, Israeli’s security in particular, as well as a regional security plan highlighting the security of the region, increasing region’s oil production, preventing Iran’s influence, sowing phobia of Russia and China in the region, and facilitating creation of an Arabic or Middle East army.

He highlighted Biden’s beginning of the tour from the occupied Palestine, linking it with recent political transitions in the Zionist regime which has seen several general elections in a short period and several prime ministers come and go.

The expert opined that the republican and democratic parties in the US, despite their disagreements over the issue of Palestine, are in total agreement about stability in the Zionist regime.

Normalization with Arab states is aimed at covering up the Zionist regime’s instability and various problems, he noted, adding that the US president seeks to leverage the Zionist lobby to win the next presidential election, as democrats’ position has deteriorated.

He also mentioned Iran’s influence in the region as a subject of discussion between Biden and regional leaders, as the Zionist regime authorities have expressed readiness to accompany Biden in his trip to Saudi Arabia although Riyadh hasn’t welcomed the concept.

Biden also wants to highlight US presence in the region to undermine the heavy investment made by China in the region and the increasing expansion of the regional state’s ties with Russia, according to the expert.

Al-Hosseini also noted that the Biden administration is willing to network anti-missile systems of the Middle East and place the control center in the occupied Palestine rather than in an Arab state.

He wrapped up saying that Biden’s regional tour was more in line with consolidation of American presence in the region than being in the interest of the nations in the region.


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