According to COMSTECH Website, COMSTECH Awards are conferred biennially in ‘Basic Sciences’ and in ‘Excellence in Science and Technology’ to recognize the outstanding research work carried out by scientists who are citizens of, and working in, OIC member states. Each award carries a certificate, shield of honor and a cash prize.
Ali A. Mousavi-Movahedi of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, won COMSTECH Lifetime Achievement Award in Chemistry 2021 and Esmael Ghavanloo as Associate Professor, Shiraz University of Iran has won COMSTECH Award for Best Scientific Book.
COMSTECH the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was established by the Third Islamic Summit of OIC held at Makkah, Saudi Arabia in January 1981.
The COMSTECH Executive Committee decided in its 15th meeting in 1996 to institute awards to recognize outstanding research work carried out by scientists who are citizens of, and working in, OIC member states.
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