Aug 18, 2021, 9:24 PM
News ID: 84442092
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Pres. Raisi discusses Afghanistan, JCPOA with Russia's Putin

Aug 18, 2021, 9:24 PM
News ID: 84442092
Pres. Raisi discusses Afghanistan, JCPOA with Russia's Putin

Moscow, IRNA – President Ebrahim Raisi discussed situation in Afghanistan with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on phone on Wednesday.

During the conversation, he also raised the issue of revival of Iran's nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with President Putin.

The two presidents also voiced their readiness to help restore peace and stability in Afghanistan.

In the phone call, President Putin congratulated Raisi on his victory in the presidential election and the beginning of his term in office.

They further discussed the prospect of resuming talks to implement the UN Security Council.

Negotiations to revive the P5 + 1 between Iran and Iran, which have been held in Vienna for several rounds, have stalled since June 20 and are expected to resume in September.  

Presidents of Iran and Russia expressed their satisfaction with the level of relations between the two countries following a telephone conversation.

According to a statement by the Kremlin, Putin and Raisi discussed necessary preparations for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in response to Iran's official request to join the organization.

They stressed their commitment to the continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation on main issues on the bilateral agenda, including major joint projects in trade and economic fields and cooperation in combating the spread of the Corona virus.


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