Apr 7, 2021, 2:25 PM
News ID: 84287383
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Businesses in 85pc of Iran red or orange zones prohibited

Apr 7, 2021, 2:25 PM
News ID: 84287383
Businesses in 85pc of Iran red or orange zones prohibited

Tehran, April 7, IRNA - Iran's Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education Iraj Harirchi announced on Wednesday that 85 percent of the country is in red or orange zones where businesses are prohibited.

Harirchi made the announcement at a press conference.

Over 250 cities are in red and 129 in orange zones; he regretted in the meantime, that work restrictions have not been observed yet.

According to latest report of Ministry of Health and Medical Education, 1,963,394 Iranians have been infected by the deadly virus, while the number of the dead has passed 63,000.

Since its outbreak in December 2019 worldwide, coronavirus has killed near 2,890,000.


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