Qazi-Asgar said that the flight from Isfahan to Ankara and back are important for Isfahan in economic terms because it will result in improvements in transit of goods in export and import sectors and of course in exchange for tourists.
The official expressed regret that the tourism industry suffered the greatest losses due to the Corona pandemic and the estimates indicate a loss of around 4000b Rials per month in this field.
“Keeping in mind this huge amount of losses for the tourism industry we need proper planning to revive it now,” he added.
Referring to the safe and healthy trips plan, he said that all health protocols will be observed all throughout tourist trips like safe hotels which are being identified to get necessary licenses.
The head of the International Isfahan Beheshti Airport (IIBA), too, believes that the airports are the main pillars for the air industry, and therefore their infrastructure needs to be well prepared in advance in order to expect precious services from them.
Hassan Amjadi said that the VIP services section of IIBA and its cargo terminals are now activated and this airport can now play a significant role in boosting the province’s industries, tourism and economy.
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