Jan 4, 2021, 5:00 PM
News ID: 84173663
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IRGC confirms seizing South Korean oil tanker

Jan 4, 2021, 5:00 PM
News ID: 84173663
IRGC confirms seizing South Korean oil tanker

Tehran, Jan 4, IRNA –Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has seized South Korean Hankuk Chemi vessel in the Persian Gulf on Monday for violating the environmental protocols, said the IRGC public relations office confirmed.

The vessel had left Saudi Arabia’s al-Jubail Port before it was seized by the IRGC naval force.

The South Korean tanker was carrying 7,200 tons of oil-based chemicals and had on board nationals from South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Myanmar.

The IRGC added that the vessel was directed to Bandar Abbas, noting that the issue is to be dealt with by the judicial officials.

The statement also said that the seizure of the tanker was done at 10:00 a.m at the request of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran.


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