Dec 10, 2020, 12:55 AM
Journalist ID: 2377
News ID: 84141803
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Iran blacklists US envoy for destructive role in Yemen humanitarian crisis

Tehran, Dec 10, IRNA – Iran's Foreign Ministry in a statement on Wednesday highlighted US ambassador Christopher Henzel's pivotal role in humanitarian crisis in Yemen and placed his name on the sanctions list of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The statement referred to US ambassador Christopher Henzel's role in directing the devastating war and killing of the innocent and oppressed people of Yemen, providing arms, financial and political support for the aggressor coalition, continuing cruel and inhumane sanctions against the Yemeni people, and assuming a role in the sinister scenario of Yemen disintegration as well as destructive actions to bring the political settlement of the Yemeni crisis to a deadlock as well as the continuation of the humanitarian disaster as the greatest tragedy of the century.

Pursuant to Note 1 of Article 4 and Note 1 of Article 5 of the "Law on Combating Human Rights Violations and Adventurous and Terrorist Acts of the US in the Region" approved by Iran's parliament in July 2017, the diplomatic apparatus proves based on sufficient evidence that the US envoy had active participation in financing and arming the attacking coalition, and violated human rights of the people of Yemen through imposition and enforcing of sanctions.

From this date on Christopher Henzel will be subject to the consequences and requirements set forth in the "Law on Combating Human Rights Violations and Adventurous and Terrorist Acts of the US in the Region" and all competent authorities will take appropriate action in accordance with the law, the statement said.


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