Oct 26, 2020, 1:03 PM
News ID: 84088475
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Iran will never forget US acting as accomplice with COVID-19

Oct 26, 2020, 1:03 PM
News ID: 84088475
Iran will never forget US acting as accomplice with COVID-19

Tehran, Oct 26, IRNA - Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a message on Monday that Iranians will never forget US acting as accomplice with COVID-19 in killing spree with maximum pressure targeting transactions to buy medical and emergency supplies.

"Corona's proven deadly, vicious & brutal everywhere, but it's worse in Iran as it has a cruel collaborator: US regime. U.S. has elevated max pressure to Health Terrorism & targeted Iranian ppl w/ inhuman sanx while they're fighting the pandemic," Foreign Ministry wrote in its Twitter account.

"We'll overcome but NEVER forget," it added.

A short look at the history of US officials' addiction to sanctions shows that even COVID19 pandemic which has affected the world and has so far killed over one million people worldwide has failed to convince Washington rulers to stop medical terrorism.

It was on March 6, 2019, that 66 Medical Scientific Societies in Iran urged the international community to condemn US sanctions, resist to the US attempt to target medical and humanitarian supplies; and stop targeting the scientific research studies and scientific advancement.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in another Twitter message termed unilateral coercive measures taken to hinder fight against the coronavirus pandemic as "economic and medical terrorism".


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