In an exclusive interview with IRNA, Payam Baqeri on Tuesday said Iran has the potential to become an energy hub in the region, especially in electricity, adding that this capacity was due to the capacity of the industry as well as demand of countries in the region for electricity.
He noted that Iran benefits from the abundance of gas resources that made electricity prices more economical than the opportunities in the industry and noted that there are other reasons why Iran could strategically become the region's electricity hub.
The deputy head of Iran Electrical Industry Syndicate also went on to say that upstream laws also mandated that the Ministry of Energy should move to become a regional electricity hub by the end of the Sixth Development Plan.
He reiterated that as soon as Iran's electricity grid synchronizes with regional countries and even beyond the region, it will be possible to transform our country into an electricity hub, and in the shadow of it, there will be many benefits to the country.
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