Oct 19, 2019, 1:35 PM
News ID: 83522737
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Arbaeen pilgrims count hits 18 million

Oct 19, 2019, 1:35 PM
News ID: 83522737
Arbaeen pilgrims count hits 18 million

Baghdad, Oct 19, IRNA – Number of Arbaeen pilgrims has so far hit 18 million people, an informed official told IRNA.  

He said that five million non-Iraqi pilgrims from other countries including Iran participated in the event.

He added that 1,100 Mawkebs (makeshift tents to provide the pilgrims with emergency services) have been erected in Karbala.

Based on the latest statistics from Iranian officials, about 3.5 million Iranian pilgrims attended Arbaeen processions.

Last year, about 14 million pilgrims namely 2 million Iranian ones took part in the event.

Arbaeen marks the 40th day of martyrdom of Imam Hussein [PBUH] and 72 of his companions in 680 AD in a land known today as Iraq after they refused to pledge allegiance to the tyrant Yazid.

Each year, Muslim pilgrims from across the world flock to Iraq in the weeks leading to Arbaeen and walk toward Karbala on foot.


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