Addressing the UN General Assembly session on Friday he said, "When we came to power, we swore that we would try to bring peace."
"We went to fight the war on terror and we faced losses of (thousands of people)."
"I have friends in India and I love going to India. So when my party came to power, we reached out to India and (said) let's resolve differences through trade," he added.
The premier said that India did not respond to Pakistan's overtures following Modi's re-election as prime minister and soon it was discovered that India was trying to push Pakistan into the blacklist of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to bankrupt the country.
This is a test of the UN. You are the one who guaranteed the Kashmiris the right (of self-determination).
"This is the time not to appease but to take action."
He said the very first action that India needs to take is to lift the curfew in Kashmir and then release all detained prisoners.
"And then the world community must give the Kashmiris the right of self-determination," the prime minister stressed.
The Prime Minister Imran also discussed the issue of climate change. He noted that Pakistan is in the top ten list of countries who are most affected by climate change.
"We depend on our rivers and 80 percent of our water comes from glaciers. The glaciers are also in India in the Himalayas, Karakoram and the Hindu Kush.
"If nothing is done, we are scared humans are facing a huge catastrophe.
"One country cannot do anything; it has to be a combined effort of the world."
Prime Minister Imran said the second issue he was speaking about is even more critical — that of illicit financial flows.
"Every year billions of dollars leave the poorer countries and go towards rich countries, siphoned off by the ruling elites of the western world.
"This is devastating the developing world. It is impoverishing them. The rich-poor gap is growing because of them."
Underlining Islamophobia as a major global issue, the Prime Minister said it is impacting the Muslims worldwide, especially in the Western countries. He said women wearing Hijab in certain countries feel threatened. This has been happening since 9/11.
He said terms like Islamic radicalism, Islamic terrorism are used by some leaders without realization, which contribute to spread of hatred against Muslims. This thing is marginalizing Muslim communities, which leads to radicalization. He categorically stated that there is only one Islam.
The Prime Minister regretted that Muslim leaders also did not play their role in sensitizing the world about the causes of radicalization. He said we failed to tell the Western world that there is no such thing as radical Islam.
"The basis of all religions is compassion and justice which differentiates us from the animal kingdom.
Referring to the state of Madinah that was established by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as his role model, the Prime Minister said the state ensured welfare of all segments of the society.
Imran Khan said Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lives in our hearts. We Muslims believe that pain of heart is much more than physical pain.
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