Jul 7, 2019, 1:56 PM
News ID: 83384932
0 Persons

MP: IAEA Board of Governors is not arbitration for JCPOA

Jul 7, 2019, 1:56 PM
News ID: 83384932
MP: IAEA Board of Governors is not arbitration for JCPOA

Tehran, July 7, IRNA - Majlis Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy said in a statement that IAEA the Board of Governors is not the arbitration to examine the complaints about the JCPOA, adding that US itself has withdrawn from the nuclear deal in May 2018.

Fifteen reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have so far verified Iran's no deviation from Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Member of Parliament Alireza Rahimi wrote in his Twitter account on Sunday.

Earlier, Iran’s diplomatic mission in Vienna berated US for a bid to convene Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran.

"The Permanent Mission of the I.R. Iran was informed of the Media Note of the US mission to the International Organizations in Vienna, about requesting a special meeting of the BoG of the IAEA to discuss the IAEA DG’s latest report on the implementation of the JCPOA,"  Iran diplomatic mission in Vienna wrote in its official Twitter account.

Iranian Representative to the Vienna-based International Organizations Kazem Gharibabadi said: "It is indeed a sad irony that the same regime which materially violated the JCPOA by withdrawing illegally and unilaterally form the deal, and has been pushing others to follow suit, thereby hampering its implementation by the International Community through exerting every means of coercion, is expressing concern over the mere implementation of the same deal."

"Iran’s recent decisions, which are exercised in response to the situation caused by the US by imposing sanctions on all who want to implement their commitments to the JCPOA, tend to bring about the lost balance of the deal and are fully in line with its provisions," Iranian mission said adding: "The fact that the US as the prime violator of the JCPOA, has tabled this request, indicates its isolation in contradicting multilateralism and rule of law in international affairs."

"Furthermore, the recent developments have no connection to safeguards related issues and the mandate of the Board of Governors. Issues related to the implementation of the JCPOA will be deliberated in its prescribed mechanisms," the statement said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran Abbas Araqchi said "Today is the last day of the 60-day opportunity given to the Europeans and since Iran has not gained what it expects from its JCPOA commitments, it is to start the second phase of reducing its commitments."

He noted that Iran had announced in the first phase that it had no commitments to the stock weight but rather to the percentage of enrichment so today Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has written a letter to the European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to inform her that Iran will not remain committed to the articles of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that define a limit for Iranian enrichment.


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