Aug 9, 2016, 3:01 PM
News ID: 82181770
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Indian expert: by signing nuclear deal, the world endorsed Iran’s right to peaceful use of nuclear energy

New Delhi, Aug 9, IRNA - A distinguished Indian expert of the world affairs believes that world’s major powers including the US have endorsed Iran’s right to the peaceful use of the nuclear energy by singing last year a nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic.

In an exclusive interview with IRNA here on the achievements of the Iranian nuclear deal since it was signed last year, an associate fellow at one of the topmost Indian think tanks “the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)” Dr. Reshmi Kazi said, “The Iranian nuclear deal demonstrated that the multi-lateral diplomatic engagements are the effective channels for resolution of the contentious issues peacefully and is in the best interest of the non-proliferation regime. The deal accepts Iran’s right to peaceful uses of the nuclear energy and makes a distinct step towards building sustainable peace and security both at the regional and the global levels.”

Terming the Iranian nuclear deal as an effective tool to strengthen the world peace and security, the seasoned analyst of the nuclear issues said, “The Iranian nuclear deal is a historic accord that is believed to significantly strengthen regional and international security. The agreement will contribute towards the normalisation of relations between Iran and other regional powers. This will contribute to the international peace and stability making the region and the world a safer place to live.”

On the possibility of Iran’s joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) after it signed a nuclear deal with the world major powers, Dr. Reshmi Kazi said, “Admittance into the NSG is premised upon certain factors also adherence to them. However, upholding Articles I and VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty are essential for NSG membership. For gaining entry into the NSG, Iran must convince its members that it is committed to preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and material and is like-minded with the exiting 48 members of the export control group.”

On the possibility of a civil nuclear cooperation between Iran India in future, she said, “India already supports Iran's right to civil nuclear programme. However, any prospect of a civil nuclear cooperation between Iran and India has to be determined in accordance with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) guidelines.”

Terming the cooperation between Iran and the US after signing the nuclear deal as essential to fight against ISIS, Dr. Reshmi Kazi said, “The ISIS is a destabilizing factor in the region that can proliferate into a global menace. Effective measure must be taken by Iran and the US to counter the ISIS influence.”

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