'You (the Westerners) have observed Iran's resistance and were forced to accept enrichment on Iran's soil, but if you intend to utter equivocal words and show dishonesty, we will return and continue our previous course of action,' Larijani said, addressing a ceremony in Tehran on Monday night, FNA reported.
'The path is (still) open to Iran to enrich' uranium above the agreed 5-percent-grade, he added, implying that Tehran still enjoys the capability to resume its past enrichment operations prior to the Geneva Interim accord and it will do so, once the other side proves to be dishonest.
He further reminded the 20-percent-grade uranium enrichment by Iran when the Western suppliers refrained from providing the Tehran research reactor that produces radioisotopes for medical purposes with its needed enriched nuclear fuel a few years ago, and said Tehran agreed to stop its 20-percent-grade enrichment under the Geneva deal only because it had produced sufficient volumes of the fuel for the reactor and needed no more supplies.
In relevant remarks on Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said many of his country mates don’t see the US as a trustworthy partner.
'The polls in Iran show that while many people want an (nuclear) agreement, there is a wide public distrust of the US,' Zarif said, addressing the US academics at the University of New York.
Also on Tuesday, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said a final nuclear deal between Tehran and the six world powers would be possible if only the sextet showed decisiveness and resolve, but meantime, underlined that the era of sanctions and pressures on Iran had ended.
'If the other side shows serious resolve, reaching a final agreement in the coming months will be possible,' Rouhani said, addressing a gathering of Iranian people in Tehran.
Stressing that the Iranian government would continue the path of constructive interaction with the world with the support of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and the nation, he said, 'No one in the world can continue pressures and sanctions against Iran in coming months and years.'
Rouhani said Iran is taking part in the nuclear talks with the world powers to prove the wrong nature of the allegations made against its peaceful nuclear program and resolve the problems created by ill-wishers against the Iranian nation.
Yet, the president said the structure of sanctions is falling apart.
After nine days of hard work in Lausanne, Switzerland, Iran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) reached an understanding on April 2 which laid the ground for them to start drafting the final nuclear deal over Tehran's nuclear energy program ahead of a July 1 deadline.
Reading out a joint statement at a press conference with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini in Lausanne on April 2, Zarif said according to the agreement, all the US, EU and UN Security Council sanctions against Iran would be lifted under the final deal.
'Our decision today that will be the agreed base for the final text of the Joint Plan of Action (the final deal) is of vital importance,' Zarif said, reading the joint statement at the press conference.
'Now we can start drafting the final agreement and its annexations by relying on the solutions achieved in the last few days,' he said after eight days of marathon talks with negotiators from the six world powers.
'As Iran continues its peaceful nuclear program, the degree and capacity of its enrichment and the size of its (enriched uranium) stockpile will be limited for specific periods and Natanz will be the only enrichment center in Iran. Nuclear enrichment R&D on centrifuge machines in Iran will be conducted on the basis of an agreed timeline and level.'
Zarif said Fordo would turn from a nuclear enrichment plant to a nuclear, physics and technological center, where Iran will receive international cooperation.
The Iranian foreign minister also said the country's Arak Heavy Water Reactor would remain in place after being redesigned and renovated through international cooperation, stressing that the facility would remain a Heavy Water Reactor in nature, but would produce plutonium which wouldn’t have the capability to be used for nuclear weapons production.
He said 'there won't be any reprocessing at the Arak facility and its consumed nuclear fuel will be sent' abroad.
'A collection of arrangements have been agreed for supervising the implementation of the contents of the Joint Plan of Action (final deal) which will include Safeguard Code 3.1 and voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol (to the NPT); the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will also use modern inspection technologies and will be given more agreed access to verify past and present issues,' Zarif said.
He said Iran would partner in international nuclear projects, 'including power plant and research reactor construction as well as nuclear safety and security'.
Zarif stressed that all sanctions against Iran will be lifted.
He said all UN Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran would be annulled as they did not help the settlement of the nuclear standoff between Iran and the six world powers.
'The EU will terminate imposition of its nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions and the United States will also stop implementation of its nuclear-related financial and economic sanctions simultaneous with the implementation of Iran's major nuclear undertakings in a way that they are verified by the IAEA,' Zarif said.
Zarif said the final deal would be endorsed by a UN Security Council resolution in a move to annul all the previous nuclear-related resolutions against Iran.
He said drafting of the deal would start soon to prepare the Joint Plan of Action by the July 1 deadline.

Tehran, May 5, IRNA – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned the Western states, specially the US, to avoid hypocrisy and remain loyal to their promises and undertakings agreed during the talks with Tehran, adding that Iran will resume the nuclear activities it has suspended for confidence-building, otherwise.