Apr 28, 2015, 9:17 PM
News ID: 81588871
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Saudi fighters bomb Sana'a Airport to prevent Iranian aids landing

Apr 28, 2015, 9:17 PM
News ID: 81588871
Saudi fighters bomb Sana'a Airport to prevent Iranian aids landing

Tehran, April 28, IRNA – Simultaneously with the landing of an Iranian Red Crescent plane carrying food and medicine in Sana'a Airport, Saudi fighter jets breaching all international norms bombed the airport to prevent the IRI civilian plane's landing on Tuesday evening.

The Saudi jets also bombed the control tower of the airport in their inhumane war crime, but the brave Iranian pilot completed its landing successfully before taking off again due to the inappropriate conditions of the airport and heading back towards Iran.

The illegal and inhumane Saudi war crime took place under such conditions that Riyadh had under the pressure of the world public opinion and international organizations earlier announced that it had halted its cruel air raids against Yemen.

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