Publish Date: 25 April 2007 - 00:01
Iran-APA-Nejad Hosseinian /POL/ FriendshipTreaty in Asia being drawn up: Nejad-Hosseinian Tehran, April 25, IRNA -- Secretary-General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian said here Tuesday that the APA Secretariat is drawing up the Friendship Treaty in Asia.
Nejad-Hosseinian was speaking at a meeting of MPs and Foreign Ministry officials with ambassadors and representatives of the APA member states after he was introduced as the APA secretary-general.
"Asia is the world's richest continent in terms of human resources. Materialization of demands requires exchange of views, holding negotiations and massive participation in order to improve eople's living conditions in all aspects," he said.
He added that ten working groups at the APA Secretariat are currently active in the fields of a single energy market, opportunities and challenges of globalization, poverty eradication, monetary fund and cultural diversity.
He said fight against bureaucratic corruption, dissemination of information and public relations and holding meetings between foreign ministers and members of parliaments are among other activities of the working groups.
Meanwhile, Majlis Second Vice-Speaker Mohammad-Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard, addressing the meeting, said, "If Asian parliaments fulfill their duties and play their role, we will no longer witness ongoing events in Iraq and Palestine anymore.
"Asian parliaments should be harbinger of peace and security in the world. Establishment of peace and security in big continent of Asia will lead to development and power of Asian states." He added that Asia would have a very brilliant future and said the third millennium belongs to Asia.
Asia plays a role in promoting culture, justice and morality and consolidating nations, he said, adding, "The assembly will play its role in the international community based on culture and civilization." 2327/1412 ::IRNA No.032 25/04/2007 16:56 --End ؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤ 16-56-13.F05 ô‘‏• ‎‘ْ—÷گ ؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤ