Tehran, IRNA – As U.S. President Donald Trump returns to office, Washington’s discourse on Iran is plagued by three dangerous misconceptions that could lead the US down the path of another strategic blunder, according to an analyst.
In an article published on The Hill on Monday, international lawyer and foreign policy analyst Reza Nasri argued that many in Washington wrongly assume that Iran has been weakened to irrelevance due to Hezbollah’s setbacks, that it is desperate enough to pursue nuclear weapons as a last resort, and that its government is on the brink of collapse.
The three misconceptions, Nasri said, could lead policymakers to underestimate the true costs of war, foster a false sense of urgency for preemptive action and misjudge Iran’s internal resilience and political stability, ultimately steering policies fixated on “regime change.”
“The narrative portraying Iran as weakened, isolated and on the brink of collapse is not only misleading but also perilous, distorting the reality of its resilience, strategic influence and geopolitical significance,” the article read.
Nasri pointed to the disastrous U.S. invasion of Iraq based on similar distortions of realities, saying the war was a “strategic blunder” that resulted in immense human suffering, regional chaos and lasting global repercussions. “Policymakers must steer clear of repeating the same overconfidence and reductive thinking.”
In conclusion, the prominent foreign policy analyst urged the Trump administration to resist the temptation to pursue confrontation based on myths. He added, “Instead, it should seek a policy grounded in realism, prudence and a genuine commitment to peaceful resolution.”